BelOMO factory:
BelOMO is a universal Association with substantial scientific and technical potential which is engaged in the field of development and production of high-precision laser, optoelectronic and optical and mechanical devices, instruments, units and systems for ground troops, space, marine services, industries, medicine, tourism, aerospace photographic equipment etc.
Magnification: 6x Angular field of view: 4 Objective aperture: 40 mm Field of view at 100 m 7 m Exit pupil diameter 6,7 mm Resolution 8" Eye Relief 75 mm Mount type AK-Saiga Supply voltage 3V (2x1.5v, AG13, LR 44) Operating temperature -50 to +50oC Overall dimensions 408x154x78 Weight 0,85 kg
Delivery set: - POSP 6x42 VDC optical sight with illumination - Eye-shield - Cover or box - Operation manual
Extra accessories are available on request: - Side rail mount for Saiga - Laser pointer CORSAK–1 - LED (you may choose the color: red, green, orange) - Container case for batteries (it's useful in winter, does not allow batteries to freeze) - Additional eye-shield
you can order them here
The POSP 6x42 VDC used for AK-47, AK-74, Vepr, Saiga, K-var, KBI, Hesse, Century, Arsenal USA copies, Romak1/2, SLR-93, SLR-95, SLR-101, MK-11, SAR, WUM, SA85M, WASR, Maddi, Norinco and Poly-Tech