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BelOMO is a universal Association with substantial scientific and technical potential which is engaged in the field of development and production of high-precision laser, optoelectronic and optical and mechanical devices, instruments, units and systems for ground troops, space, marine services, industries, medicine, tourism, aerospace photographic equipment etc.
USD 499  Item #0645
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Magnification, ratio 2,7
Angular field of view of the optical system within the space of the objects, deg. 13
Eye relief from the last surface of the eyepiece, mm 27
Entrance pupil diameter, mm 24
Exit pupil diameter, mm 4,5
Operating temperature range, °? -50 ÷ +50 
Overall dimensions, mm 140×180×62
Weight, max., kg. 0,62

Delivery set: 

- Optical sight  PGO 7V3,
- Eye-shield,
- Cover or box,
- Operation manual.


The PGO-7V3 used for the grenade launchers RPG-7.

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